Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Season predictions revisited
In looking back to the start of the season, I can see why Sean had the success he did. He nailed all but one of his postseason predictions (the Rams as division champs). I did OK, but not quite as good. Let's see...
* AFC North -- Pittsburgh came through, although they are shaky as a contender at best. Can Cleveland surprise anyone? Perhaps if Dwayne Rudd keeps his helmet on...
* AFC South -- I picked the Colts, but Tennessee emerged. At least Indy will be around for the playoffs.
* AFC West -- I picked Denver. The Raiders won the show and the Broncos won't be around in January.
* AFC East -- I picked Miami to win it and the Pats to get a wild card. Neither happened as the Jets are the division's sole representative.
* NFC South -- Tampa Bay came through, as predicted. Atlanta was the season's surprise, sneaking into the postseason despite losing the final game to the Browns. How 'bout dem Aints??? ... er, Saints.
* NFC West -- I picked the Rams. Let's face it, everyone picked the Rams. The Rams, of course, gagged. The Niners won it, but they won't be around long in the playoffs.
* NFC East -- I picked Philly, which won. I still think they're gonna win the Stupid Brawl. The Giants surprised me, but then so did the Redskins, whom I had picked as a wild card but failed to make the field.
* NFC North -- Bears... Packers... Bears... Of course the Pack won, but I'm disappointed in Chicago for not making the playoffs. Losers!
Stupor Bore -- Philadelphia can't play Denver now, so instead I'll pick them to beat the Raiders.
Glenn 8-D 12:12:00 PM
Sean rocks!

Four straight. What more needs to be said? Congratulations on another Gehlke Bros. season championship.
Glenn 8-D 11:48:00 AM
Saturday, December 28, 2002
Raiders in the rain
The Raiders played in the Mud Bowl today, and thanks to their shutout of arch-rival Kansas City they may not have to play a similar game through January. They'll be home in the friendly confines of the not-usually-so-inclement Oakland Coliseum, where they have been a formidable force. Is this a sleeper candidate for a Stupor Bore championship? San Diego seems a lot closer.
Ben vs. Sean
The Kid and the Junior Bro have four splits this weekend to decide it all. Ben needs to win two of those to claim bragging rights for the best record in the 2002 Gehlke Bros. Football season. He got a big lift from the Raiders today, but he's not out of the woods. He needs a win from Cincinatti, Green Bay or Jacksonville on Sunday to lock it up, and I personally don't like the odds, although Green Bay is always a legitimate threat on the road. But against the motivated Jets??? We'll see.
Glenn 8-D 10:46:00 PM
Monday, December 16, 2002
Hey, I got one right!
I've made a lot here about the games I've blown this season (8 now) by changing my picks at the last minute, but for the record I actually made a switch that worked to my favor this week. I had Detroit over Tampa Bay before common sense got the better of me Sunday morning. If only I could have reached the same epiphany with Cincinnati and Houston. 8-(
Glenn 8-D 11:46:00 PM
I'm still here... but barely
Yeah, I know it's been awhile since I chimed in here. I feel like I've been through a time warp — or is that a high-speed blender? Sean is making mince meat of my season. Barring a miracle comeback averaging six games in each of the next two weeks, I think I can safely say that the Surfy trophy is secure wherever Sean has it tucked away in his San Jose apartment.
About the only remaining suspense is whether Ben can hang on to his slim lead over the Junior Bro. He got tripped up a bit in Week 15, suffering defeat at the hands of Oakland, San Diego and New England while getting help from Denver. He holds a 2-game edge over Sean going into next week's games. But I can speak from personal experience that no lead is safe against Sean (recalling the year I lost a six-game advantage on the final week of the season).
Ben is inelligible for the Surfy trophy — that's between me and Sean — but if he does somehow manage to pull it out I am sure there will be some sort of prize awaiting him in the end. Even if he doesn't, he should get the award for most improved prognosticator, or perhaps the Nerves of Steel Award for going against the pundits and picking Houston in a couple of their early victories.
In a couple of weeks I'll revisit my preseason predictions to see how they fared. I can tell you right now they did better than my record indicates!
Glenn 8-D 11:40:00 PM
Friday, December 06, 2002
Senior bro is now a distant speck in my rear view mirror. Now I'm gunning for the young upstart. If I can pick up another two games next week, I'll have finally reached a tie with Ben.
Has anybody noticed are split total is down six from this time last season? That's AFTER our six splits last week. I also noticed I had a five game lead at this time last year (which I won by seven), so I'm one game ahead of schedule this season.
John Madden has some incredible clout. Anybody notice how he had back to back Bay Area Monday night games so he could spend Thanksgiving at his home in the East Bay? I guess 49er and Raider fans should expect more of that in the future. It may become as much of a tradition as Dallas and Detroit Thanksgiving home games.
Junior Bro 3:54:00 PM