Sunday, November 30, 2008
A traditional Thanksgiving weekend? If the results of Thursday's three games are any indication, this might not be the week to go out on a limb for predicting winners. All three of the favored teams won (if you can count Philly as a favorite) and by handy margins. A lot of the games on this Sunday's schedule look much the same way, which was reflected in Sean's and my picks. Our lone split is the Pittsburgh-New England contest. I've got five splits with Ben, however, and need to win two more of them including Thursday's Philadelphia game to have a "winning" week.
Glenn 8-D 10:25:00 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It's Turkey Day!

The NawFuL has served up plenty of turkeys to enjoy with our holiday feasts today. It's gonna take more than a wishbone to make Tennessee-Detroit or Seattle-Dallas palatable fare. Keep the Pepto handy and enjoy the games.
Glenn 8-D 1:04:00 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wow... Don't think I've been through a week this tough in a while. We had a bunch of splits this time, and a lot of teams winning on the road, which is always a recipe for some wild shuffling in the season standings. A few upsets too, as in the case of Tennessee's first loss and the Raiders' big win in Denver. Sean and I split the difference in the six games we had on the line, while I pick up at least one game on Ben; we still have the Monday night contest to determine whether Ben's lead is down to five games or three. This is what stretch-drive football is all about. Can't wait for the next five weeks!
Glenn 8-D 10:09:00 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Week 11 Following the confusion that was Thursday night, we head into the remainder of this week's contests with a lot of interesting games at stake. It's the first time since Week 3 that we've had a full slate of 16 games, and frankly I'm a bit worried. I wound up picking 13 home teams, and just three on the road. I've got 7 splits with Ben, including the one I already lost on Thursday. He's picking 8 teams on the road.
Generally, it's not a good idea to favor home teams so heavily; you can almost always count on at least six roadies winning in a given week. The challenge is figuring out which six! The way Ben's luck has been going, I almost dread picking against him. I'm researching my games pretty extensively, and he's just going out there and playing his gut instinct. Last week research bought me one extra win, but cost me another game I would have won had I followed my gut. There's no accounting for good luck, or lack thereof...
Glenn 8-D 2:38:00 AM
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Week 10 in progress We've got one game down and 13 to go, but Ben has already grown his lead by another game. With Thursday's win by the Broncos, Ben now leads me unofficially by 9 games. This marks the final week of byes, however, which sends us into the season's stretch run when a lot of things can change in a hurry. Ben is convinced that he's got this thing in the bag, and maybe he does. But let's not forget that Sean had a 7-game advantage over me late in the season and I took him to the final game last year. It's probably going to take a drastic meltdown for Ben to lose this thing, but there is precedent in Gehlke Bros. Football history.
Ben and I wind up with six splits this week; we will know Sean's picks in the morning before we head out to Oak Town.
Glenn 8-D 11:49:00 PM
Going to the game It's been more than 20 years, but the Gehlke Bros. get another "first" on Sunday when we all attend the Panthers-Raiders game in Oakland. Ben, Sean, Glenn and Roni — aka Mrs. Senior Bro — will be in the nose-bleed section at a pro football game for the first time ever. Sean has been to some 49ers games, but we've never all gone to one together. Will the home team win for us? At least Ben and Glenn are betting no. Hoping for no rain!
Glenn 8-D 11:44:00 PM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Halfway home I've been so wrapped up in politics and writing this week that football seems almost an afterthought. Nevertheless, I've made my picks and have two splits with Sean, three with Ben. I've got about as much chance of making up ground on Ben's 7-point lead this week as John McCain does in his bid to overtake Barack Obama on election day. On the positive side, I have another eight weeks to play catch-up...
Glenn 8-D 10:18:00 AM