Tuesday, December 04, 2001
From the we-couldn't-make-up-this-stuff-if-we-tried department...
{Coy Coughlin keeps his options open}<
{AP Sports Writer}=
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Clearly, Tom Coughlin is a better football coach than an actor.<
“I'm very happy in the job I have!” the Jacksonville Jaguars coach yelled at reporters Tuesday. Nobody really believed him, of course, and another round of the Coughlin-Notre Dame watch was underway.<
His 30-minute news conference was great theater. It began with his less-than-convincing declaration of loyalty to the Jaguars, who fell to 3-8 with their 28-21 loss to the Packers on Monday.<
It ended with him falling down to his knees in jest, after being asked if this was as low as he's felt in his coaching career.<
“It is. It is. Without a doubt it is,” he said, as he kneeled on the floor.<
...Please, just keep him away from the Packers.
Glenn 8-D 5:16:00 PM