Sunday, October 05, 2003
Monday's gonna be big
For the first time this season the Bros. have a Monday night split. I've got Tampa Bay at home while Sean has visiting Indy. Following today's results, in which we each won two of the four split games played, Monday will determine who takes a 1-game advantage in the Gehlke Bros. Football season standings.
Things have been tight so far. We compared notes this morning on our season-to-date performance through four weeks this year versus the same period in 2002 and found that my record coming into Week 5 is seven games better and Sean's is eight games better than last year, while Ben was one game worse. Also, we have more than twice the number of splits we had at this point last year.
So does this mean that more splits result in better overall records? Perhaps not, but it is an interesting stat nonetheless.
Glenn 8-D 5:22:00 PM