Monday, October 06, 2003
If there were an award for Most Monumental Collapse by a Team With an Insurmountable Lead in a Football Game, Tampa Bay would win it for what happened to the Bucs tonight.
Maybe Gruden was relying on the prevent defense. It sure didn't prevent Peyton Manning from stinking up the joint in the fourth quarter. And it didn't help that the officials flagged Simeon Rice for unsportsmanlike conduct on what looked like a routine leap to block a Vanderjagt field goal attempt in OT.
The Bucs will probably make a lot of excuses for tonight's (tomorrow morning's) loss, but the fact is they should never have let Indy back into the game with four minutes left to play. That is a simple failure to execute on defense as much as it was a stellar performance by a future Hall of Fame quarterback.
Glenn 8-D 11:03:00 PM