Saturday, December 27, 2003
An odd finale
The Week 17 predictions are on the board, and they didn't go as I had thought they might. Sean forged a pair of Sunday splits out of the Jets/Dolphins and Jaguars/Falcons games, taking the roadies in each case. The split I expected and was bracing myself for was the Raiders/Chargers game, but we both wound up taking the Raiders of Woe on the road.
Sean is already talking about what happens if we remain tied at the end of Sunday. In the past we have used the playoffs and Stupor Bore to determine the winner, but we are discussing a possible revision of the rules as it has been several years since we have had to use a tiebreaker. Because both of this week's splits involve teams from Florida, maybe we can ask the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved.
What are the odds that the 2003 season will go to OT? Well... Sean's accuracy on split games involving the Dolphins this season has been 100 percent. And he has a better record on splits involving Atlanta. I have had better luck in games involving the Jets and the Jags, so it could go either way. How's that for noncommittal?
One thing I will say: When in doubt, having the home team is almost always a preferred option. We'll be watching nervously on Sunday.
Glenn 8-D 10:33:00 AM