Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Well, that was ugly Week 1 is one I'd like to forget. Especially that Monday night loss by the Eagles. Not that the game was as bad as my luck on Monday nights. Just to illustrate: When I contemplated this week's picks on Saturday evening, I had Atlanta to win. Then I made the mistake of consulting with the media "experts" who made good arguments as to why I should pick Philly, so I did, knowing in the bottom of my gut that I'd kick myself if the Falcons won and doubly hard if Sean picked them. Guess what happened...
OK, so I tried not to kick myself too hard because I still needed to be semi-conscious to write up this week's postmortem. But you get the idea. 8-8. Ack, phooey! I must do better. Perhaps a few days of New Mexico vistas will improve things. I can hang out at Roswell and commune with the space aliens, learn their ancient prognosticating secrets.
...Or maybe they'll just abduct me on Mondays for the next 15 weeks. 8-/
But how about those Niners! How about those Dolphins! The meek may inherit the earth after all. Hmmm... Forgive me if I don't book my February tickets to Detroit just yet. It's hard to fathom that this year could be any worse than last for those two teams, but one victory does not a dynasty make. Same for the Patriots, except that the D-word fits them better having won three of the past four trophies. It's going to be an interesting season.
Glenn 8-D 1:06:00 AM