Sunday, November 27, 2005
Big-time splits Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time of unity, of coming together around the dinner table. Seems like we did just the opposite with this week's picks. We split both Thanksgiving Day games (with the Junior Bro winning both) and continued in that vein today with six more splits. It has been years since we split that many games on a single weekend. I haven't checked the archives, but I can't think offhand of another 8-split week.
This will likely be the defining moment of our season. With Sean already taking the first two games he needs just two more to guarantee that he'll preserve that 3-game advantage, and anything more will let him add to it. I didn't intend to have so many splits this week, it just sort of happened that way. Must be making up for lost time with the two weeks we had zero splits. Appropriate for Thanksgiving, when you are supposed to feast to excess. Guess we'll see if we still have a stomach for dessert when this banquet is over.
Glenn 8-D 10:12:00 AM