Saturday, September 27, 2008
On holiday The Senior Bro is starting a two-week vacation, but that doesn't mean I'm relaxing when it comes to football picks. Week 4 will see just 13 games, which means my record of posting double-digit correct guesses in each of the first three weeks is definitely on the line. I screwed up last week changing my pick at the last minute to Green Bay over Dallas, and although I still went 11-5 I was disgusted with myself. Should have followed my intuition. That's what I'll be doing this Sunday, and it looks like one of those weeks where there won't be a lot of disagreement, which means that if my intuition is wrong then it might be the only split I get with Junior Bro. Ben, meanwhile, doesn't agree with all my choices. We'll have four splits between us, which means he could wind up ahead or tied with me if he has a great week.
Glenn 8-D 11:22:00 PM