Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ben's got a new strategy I joked with Ben this week that the best way to recapture the lead in the Gehlke Bros. Football season standings is to pick opposite of my picks on Sunday night and Monday night... so he's actually going to try it in Week 6. Can't say it's an ineffective strategy, since I have performed miserably on those games over the past several seasons, this one included.
I'm none too confident about this week's menu. There are three games I agonized over, and contrary to the consensus of other prognosticators I like to consult prior to making my informed selections, I went against their picks. Not that that's always a bad thing. I should have swept my two splits with Sean last week. If not for the Texans choking away their 17-point lead late in the fourth quarter against the Colts, I would have been flying high with upsets. Maybe this week?
Glenn 8-D 12:16:00 AM